Prepare-Enrich is designed for…
How Prepare-Enrich works…
- Couple provides email addresses, and will receive a link to online assessment from Prepare-Enrich to complete individually
- Facilitators receive results of online assessments from Prepare-Enrich, and schedule first session
- Sessions can be in-person and/or via Zoom/other digital meeting platform
- Each session will be 1.5 hours with Facilitator couple
- Minimum of 6 sessions to complete work with Facilitator couple
- Couple will receive 2 copies of the Couple’s Workbook, which they will keep
- Facilitators will review overall results of Customized Couple Assessment with couple
- Couple will complete assignments from Workbook between sessions, and discuss thoughts and progress at next session
Mission & Values
We desire to help relationships thrive! The world is built and runs on relationships!
We approach all of life (including relationships) from a Biblical foundation. In our own marriage relationship, we have seen the immense value of improving our communication skills and the benefits of continuing to work on our marriage. We want to work with couples who are considering engagement and marriage, couples who are married and need help, and couples who are married but realize there is always room to grow, to see lasting transformation in people’s lives. Please use the Contact Us form to connect with us!
Transforming Relationships
More than 4,000,000 couples have prepared for marriage or enriched their relationship through taking the Prepare/Enrich assessment and working with a Certified Facilitator. The assessment itself has been proven to improve relationship satisfaction; however there is something extraordinary about the relationship a Facilitator develops with a couple that truly helps the couple grow more than they would on their own.
Prepare/Enrich is one of the most widely researched assessment tools. Professors and students at colleges and universities worldwide use the scales as a tool to conduct and evaluate their research. Prepare/Enrich continues to adapt and react to the changing reality of relationships through continued research and development of assessments and resources.
A Global Community
Dr. David Olson, family science pioneer, and his wife, Karen Olson, founded Prepare/Enrich in 1980 after Dr. Olson connected theory and practice. Dr. Olson developed a method that provided counselors and clergy a framework to use with couples. Today, Prepare/Enrich is powered by a dedicated staff based in Roseville, Minnesota as well as a vast network that spans across the world. The Prepare/Enrich family is over 100,000 Certified Facilitators strong and growing every day.
How much does Prepare-Enrich cost?
While we do not charge couples for our Prepare-Enrich Facilitator services, we do encourage a donation of $650.00 toward our investment of time with you. What’s included: 1 Prepare-Enrich Couple’s Assessment ($35.00), 2 Couple Workbooks ($10.00), and 9 hours of session time (in-person and/or Zoom/other) with trained Facilitator Couple.
"I have appreciated you and your wife’s efforts in pursuing the hearts of my employees and seeking to pour yourselves out by investing into their lives and supporting their journey in life. Working with a wide range of backgrounds as well as a hybrid team that is partially locally and others remote around the country has increased complexities for you guys as you have served us over the years. You have both remained flexible, and I very much value the help you are to them not only investing into their spiritual lives, but beyond that helping them to be the most healthy version of themselves they can be. It pays dividends in our company and its future, and I would highly recommend any organization that doesn’t have marketplace chaplains to bring you guys in to strengthen their workforce. Your program is also a smart, employee benefit by any employer or ministry."
-Joe Sharp